Saturday, August 13, 2011

Pages From The Past 1959

From the December 1959 Trumpet

Drawing for the Mother-Daughter contest. 
Winner was Mrs. Lewis Marsh and her daughter Abigail of Evergreen. 
They won a free trip toWashington, D.C.

(Click on article to enlarge)

Dinner with Ivy Baker Priest, of Utah, U.S. Secretary of the Treasury

(Click on article to enlarge)

Pages From The Past - 1940

Mrs. Paul Henry of Seattle, Washington
National Republican Committee Vice Chairman

(Click on article to enlarge)

Pages From The Past - 1963

11th Anniversary Republican Women's Conference 1963
Washington D.C.

(Click on picture to enlarge)

Pages From The Past - 1982-1985

Jeannine Lincoln (Douglas County)
CFRW President 1982-1985

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 Response from Mrs. Arniell to invitation from President Jeannine Lincoln

Pages From The Past - 1986

NFRW President Judy Hughes (Colorado) and 
CFRW President Judy Broadway (Cherry Creek)

(Click on pictures to enlarge)

State Senator Ruth Stockton and CFRW President Judy Broadway

CFRW President Judy Broadway and Marian Fairbank (Cherry Creek RWC)

CFRW Members-at-Larage Lillian Bickel (Boulder)
and Jo Mitchell (El Paso County)